Sunday Night with the Saint-Louis Rollerskating Club. Saint-Louis, Senegal.
Photography is one of my long standing passions. I got my first camera in elementary school, and spent my after-school hours taking artsy shots of flower pots and the patterned brickwork of my family’s driveway.
My childhood hobby has served me well as a journalist. Now, one of the unique selling points of my work is that I use photography and videography to complement my written words. No matter where in the world I am, I ensure my visuals present people with dignity and respect, using all the best photographic practices.
I shoot using a Sony a7III and professional-grade audio equipment.
Baulina Tabuamoli is head of the women’s committee in Nabukavesi, Fiji. She’s pictured with Asela, one of the village's younger residents. Shot on assignment for the Planetary Health Alliance.
Amadou Mbodji waters his green onions growing in the arid landscape of northern Senegal.
Devotha, 21, is training to be a bike mechanic with the Vijana Bicycle Centre in Nshamba, Tanzania.
Udo Schulz, Area Sales Manager for Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen, during a training session in Arusha, Tanzania. Shot on assignment for MR's employee magazine.
Clara is a sesame seed farmer in Tanzania's Babati District. Shot on assignment for Farm Africa.
Dusk falls in the Marrakesh Medina, Morocco.
Jacopillai Thomai has been catching prawns and crabs in Northern Province, Sri Lanka, for the past 45 years.
A photo from the mass blanket exercise that the Assembly of Seven Generations (A7G) held on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada in June 2015.
A curious toutouwai (North Island Robin) on Tiritiri Matangi Bird Reserve in New Zealand.
Welsh explorations with a friendly airbnb host. Snowdonia National Park, Wales.
Astrophotography experiments near Spitzkoppe, Namibia.
The late Dr. Michael Persinger in his office at Laurentian University. Shot on assignment for CBC Sudbury.
One of the orangutan residents of Tanjung Puting National Park, Indonesia.
Sunset over Vatican City. Rome, Italy.
Douglas Mwangi is the founder of Oasis Community Centre in Nairobi's Mathare Slum. Shot on assignment for Digital Opportunity Trust.
Dodoely is a traditional healer in Antaravato, Madagascar. Shot on assignment for the Planetary Health Alliance.
Photo Essays
Click each image to view the photo essay on Exposure.
Psst: I started my career as a radio journalist and have plenty of audio stories to share (on request).